Hi there!
I'ts been a while since any post were made here.
I actually kind of forgot all about this blog, I havent had any other blogs either so. Whatever yes?
I've just started playing my DSI again.
I'm currently playing mostly Pokemon Soul Silver, With the pokewalker. I really love this gadget, havent used it so much yet. But pokemons that arent avaible for catching you can catch in the walker. Awesome!
I'm only in Johto, Violet city and trying to lvl up all my new catched cutie pies.
My starter Pokemon is Totodile, (f) but right now she's just laying in someones pc and waiting.
I named her Lucky.
My current party is:
Onix Lv 8 named Rocky (m) traded it from a in game character named Rudy, Arrived at lv 3.
Nidoran♂ lv 12, (m) from the pokewalker. met at lvl 5.
Rattata lv 7 named Chewie (f), met at lv 2.
Kangaskhan lv 11, (f) met at lv 8 in the pokewalker.
Bellsprout named Weedie, (f) met at Lv 3.
Pidgey, lv 11, (m) met at lvl 2.
^^ So right now I'm just leveling up the so there fit fot fight for the first pokemon gym.
Yesterday I went to GameStop at the mall in sweden were they had this pre-book the new pokemon white or black and get Celebi Lv 50. So I did that costed 50 kr to prebook, but a friend of mine that has worked for Gamestop said you can always get back the money if you ask for it. And the guy in the store said i wasn't obliagated to buy the game right away. So that's good.
I had to elect white or black, so I chose white. ^^
I'm trying to buy the old GBA game Sapphire or ruby, and I'm also looking for fire red and leaf green. Peolpe on online secondhand stores are a bit crazy about the prices tough!
I don't want to pay 400 kr for something this old. Maximum 100 kr.
Well well, I'l have to find my GBA sp first too.
Tips of the greatest wikipedia looklike pokemon site that i really like.
Only problem is that its kind of slow, But I can survive.
Peace out!
Gary was here
ReplyDeleteAsh is a loser
Sweden is a very cool place. Just been there. If you need anything go to www.themodman.com.au I'll be happy to help you out.